Cynthia Hudson of CNNE: Miami is one of the most important markets to continue building the CNN Latino brand

Marcela Tedesco| 16 de julio de 2013

Cynthia Hudson, Executive VP and General Manager of CNN en Español and Hispanic Strategy for CNN/U.S.

CNN Latino Miami hosted an event at The Rusty Pelican in Key Biscayne, where María Elvira Salazar was officially introduced as a host of the channel.Cynthia Hudson, Executive VP and General Manager of CNN en Español and Hispanic Strategy for CNN/U.S., said to PRODU she was excited about the addition of the new affiliate. “We’re happy because Miami is one of the most important markets to be able to further build the CNN Latino brand in the U.S.,” she added.She emphasized CNN Latino is a different proposition to that of CNN en Español. “It’s important to reflect the audience we’re trying to reach. That’s why in Los Angeles we have the show Sin límites with Elizabeth Espinoza, and for the East Coast we have the show with María Elvira Salazar,” said Hudson.Tomás Johansen, President and General Manager of CNN Latino Miami, said he was retired for three years, but hearing about CNN Latino in Miami reignited his passion for Hispanic TV, a market he has worked in for 40 years.“When I saw the CNN Latino programming, I thought Miami’s success would be guaranteed by the artists that would be featured in primetime,” he added.Salazar was enthusiastic about her participation in CNN Latino. “This is wonderful: it’s like walking out of the desert and into the Promised Land,” she said. Her show will air at 8pm premiering mid-August on CNN Latino in Miami.

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