SPT: Shark Tank Mexico’s new season has renewed its set and new ‘sharks’

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 12 de abril de 2023

Ana Bond de SPT por Shark Tank Mx

With a revamped set and four new ‘sharks’, the format created by Nippon TV and produced in the region by Sony Pictures Latin America, Shark Tank México, will soon premiere its eighth season on Sony Channel, and Ana Bond, Senior VP and General Director of Production International for Latin America of Sony Pictures Television, elaborated upon this new installment.

“In this new season, we have some ‘sharks’ from previous and new ones with another profile, which makes this content a different and innovative experience, with more pitches and a more dynamic conversation. We have between 80 and 90 large ventures that went through a curatorship carried out in pre-production. There is a whole team behind the scenes to reach today’s quality standards,” she mentioned.

This 20-episodes new season includes the newcomers sharks Adriana Gallardo, Brian Requarth, Karla Berman, and Oswaldo “Oso” Trava, who will be joining Alejandra Ríos, Alejandro Litchi, Amaury Vergara, Marcus Dantus and Marisa Lazo.

These ‘sharks’ will have the task of identifying and betting on the most innovative ventures, so this format is “a great opportunity for local entrepreneurship, from great talents – smart people who are looking for innovative ways to move forward -, offering incredible products to the market. In addition to being a platform for this, it also helps to understand how businesses work and encourages the public to create their own enterprise as a result of the show. It is not only the success of the program in terms of audience, but also in its social impact.”

Regarding the show display on other platforms such as digital, Bond explained that, by its nature, “it is suitable for creating additional content in short format for digital, a tool that we have been able to leverage on for additional or promotional material, without leaving apart its main window: TV channel.”

In addition to the four new ‘sharks’ that will refresh the format, the production moved to new facilities and a new set that mixes the sober design of Mexican brutalist architecture; the ‘tank’ is minimalist and modern, made of concrete, wood, and iron. The design is based on the pre-Hispanic architecture of the pyramids in reference to the Mexican roots in a simple and elegant way. The tunnel through which the entrepreneurs will arrive to meet the ‘sharks’ combines geometric shapes and patterns, creating an entrance that aims to excite the participants.

Bond said that they are experiencing an incredible moment in the original production, a priority bet for which Sony Pictures Television, is “seeking for synergies to work together at a 360 level with the company in the region, where we have a development arm, pan-regional channels, and a significant distribution force. The approach now is to find ways to do more things together and this is an example of that.”

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