TelevisUnivision: Desiguales depicts the daily live entertainment that characterizes Univision

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 21 de febrero de 2024

Omar Fajer Valencia, VP of Entertainment & Music Commercialization of TelevisaUnivision & Carlos Mesber, CEO of We Love Entertainment, during the event

Carlos Mesber, CEO of We Love Entertainment, and Omar Fajer Valencia, VP of Entertainment & Music Commercialization of TelevisaUnivision, officially introduced the five panelists of the talk show Desiguales which debuted on Univision in the US on Monday the 19th at 2pm. The launch took place at La Fontana Ristorante in Doral

The five hosts of the show are the model Migbelis Castellanos; the singer and actress Amara La Negra; the TV personality and doctor in psychology, sexology & family therapy Nancy Álvarez; the actress and host Adamari López and the anchor and journalist Karina Banda (wife of Carlos Ponce).

Desiguales meet the need to give space to women, understand their current issues concerning many people, and where all types of opinions are valid. What characterizes Univision is its daily live entertainment. We have spectacular talent that will appeal to the industry and audiences. It is a bet that we are sure people will be grateful about and want to watch every day at 2pm on Univisión,” commented Fajer.

Mesber pointed out that Desiguales is the new way of doing talk shows. “This is the new style of the regenerated talk show: five generations, five styles, five different personalities, ages, cultures, and nationalities. The idea is to have an organic conversation, not scripted, but discussing a topic and arriving at different conclusions. It is a great bet, and I hope it brings all the success we bear in our hearts since before its beginning.”

Fajer highlighted the selection of the “banners” as a key part of Desiguales. “We have been planning a show of this style for months. We wanted hosts with different profiles representing different generations, points of view, marital statuses, situations, and experiences to represent the cultural and personality diversity we see daily. The idea is that different audiences relate with them and achieve an interesting conversation between generations. We were very selective. We did many castings and tests and found five women representing the diversity we face daily.”

Mesber highlighted that he is happy to have the opportunity to produce daily shows on Univisión. “This was not done for a long time. Siéntese Quien Pueda began a year and a half ago. Now we have Desiguales. These two hours of Univision in the daytime is a great commitment, but it also means the big responsibility of achieving the success we want, which I am sure we will get.”

Watch the launch event of Desiguales

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