Shutterstock expands partnership with OpenAI and signs agreement to provide high-quality training data

Claudia Smolansky| 9 de agosto de 2023

Shutterstock Inc Open AI Logo

Shutterstock announced the expansion of its partnership with OpenAI, a pioneer in artificial intelligence. Through a new six-year agreement, Shutterstock will cement its position as a leading provider of high-quality training data for OpenAI models, driving transformative capabilities for brands, digital media, and marketing companies . As part of this expanded collaboration, OpenAI has secured a license to access additional Shutterstock training data, including Shutterstock’s image, video, and music libraries and associated metadata. Shutterstock also gets priority access to the latest OpenAI technology and will continue to leverage DALL·E’s revolutionary text-to-image generative capabilities directly on the platform. In addition to text-to-image generation, the integration will also offer Shutterstock clients synthetic editing capabilities, allowing them to not only create new content, but also simply edit and transform any image in the entire Shutterstock library to speed up ideation and production. Shutterstock and OpenAI will work collaboratively to bring generative AI capabilities to mobile users through the recently acquired Shutterstock GIPHY platform. “The significant renewal and expansion of our strategic partnership with OpenAI reinforces Shutterstock’s commitment to driving technological innovation in AI and positions us as the data and delivery partner of choice for industry leaders in generative AI,” said Paul Hennessy, CEO. by Shutterstock. Brad Lightcap, COO of OpenAI, added: “We are pleased to be able to license Shutterstock’s library of high-quality content. This expanded collaboration not only enhances the capabilities of our image models, but also empowers brands, digital media, and marketing firms to unlock transformative possibilities in content creation and ideation. We look forward to bringing the next generation of generative AI capabilities to the broad Shutterstock and GIPHY user base, further revolutionizing the way people express themselves through visual media.” This expansion of partnerships is the latest in several strategic steps Shutterstock has taken as a leading innovator bringing AI advances to the creative industry. Earlier this year, the company launched its AI Image Generator , an innovative tool powered by DALL E that allows users to create custom images instantly. Shutterstock was also the first to introduce a Contributor Fund, its pioneering initiative that to date has compensated hundreds of thousands of artists for the role their content intellectual property has played in empowering Shutterstock’s generative technology, as well as in compensate them with ongoing royalties tied to licensing activity for newly generated assets. In addition to OpenAI, Shutterstock has collaborated with industry leaders such as NVIDIA, Meta, LG, and others to develop foundational generative AI tools and standards for 3D, image, and text creators. Shutterstock’s library of high-quality content, enriched with vast metadata, leads the industry in size, diversity, and annotation, making it unmatched for training AI capabilities.

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