RX France has concluded MIPTV and is set to launch MIP London in February 2025 as a complementary market to the London TV Screenings

31 de marzo de 2024

Lucy Smith, RX France: MIP London will not only alleviate a very busy events calendar but also provide an additional entry point for international companies to meet in London at the same time

RX France announced the conclusion of MIPTV in Cannes, which celebrated its last edition in 2024, and the launch of a new market: MIP London, with its first edition scheduled to take place from February 24 to 27, 2025, with a pre-opening on Sunday, February 23. The inaugural MIP London will be held the same week as the 2025 London TV Screenings and is conceived as complementary to the existing annual meeting.

The new multi-genre market and networking event will be centralized at the Savoy Hotel and IET London. According to the organizers, the market has been shaped through industry feedback, indicating a need for versatile meetings and screenings, in line with the growing demand of international companies to connect with buyers in London every February.

They added that the aim is to consolidate a global television events calendar that is already busy and differs in format from MIPTV. The focus is not on showcasing, but on providing international companies seeking a presence in London with personalized and scalable options for exhibiting and networking in a convenient location. MIP London will have a comprehensive invitation program that provides free access to qualified buyers.

“The creation of MIP London is the direct result of clear and demonstrated market factors,” said Lucy Smith, Director of the Entertainment Division at RX France. “There is a continued appetite for a global content market in the first half of the year. MIP London will not only alleviate a very busy events calendar but also provide an additional entry point for international companies to meet in London at the same time.”

She added: “Organizing markets that provide customers with the best possible solutions for showcasing their content and facilitating negotiation is what we do best at MIP, and what we pride ourselves on, as demonstrated for decades in Cannes, and more recently in Cancun. We have consulted with many who already organize events in London, as well as with international companies wishing to do so. Our vision is a market that complements, rather than competes with, the established screening program, offering more options for the widest range of distributors, studios, and international buyers to participate, and that can bring even more business to London in February for the benefit of all. Leading RX France’s first MIP market in London is an opportunity for which I am very grateful.”

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