LATV´s The Q Agenda on OTT Revry

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| September 25, 2020

The Q Agenda de REVRY

In time for Hispanic Heritage Month, Queer Virtual TV Network, Revry, has announced a content partnership with Latino Alternative TV’s (LATV). The partnership will entail the co-production of content focusing on stories about queer people with Central and South American ancestry.

“From its inception, Revry has championed the intersectionality of the LGBTQ+ community–connecting our ethnic cultures, interests, and heritage with our gender and sexual identities,” said Revry’s LatinX co-founder and CBO, Christopher J Rodríguez, Esq. “We are overjoyed to work with LATV, a network that has excelled at producing LatinX content, in order to create really amazing productions that speak to all of these identities and to share these stories with the world.”

The Revry/LATV partnership will kick off with a lineup of fresh LatinX content, including the Revry premiere of LATV’s fan-favorite The Q Agenda, a talk show hosted by a passionate community of Latinx LGBTQ+ personalities and influencers and featuring special guests including celebrities, activists, and personalities. The series engages viewers with candid and genuine conversations about issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community.

The Q Agenda is a once in a generation show that is the product of LGBTQ+ creators both in front of the cameras, as well as behind the scenes. This partnership is not just a result of LATV and Revry’s missions in alignment, but it reflects our collective purpose to positively impact the lives of our communities,” Andrés Palencia co-executive director LATV Networks.

The Q Agenda is hosted by executive producer, actor, and TV personality Enrique Sapene; comedian Lianna Carrera; beauty influencer, Víctor Ramos; and actress and trans activist, Juliana Joel.

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