Wesley ter Haar from MediaMonks: I’d Love To See More Asian and Latin American Work In The Digital Craft Lion

Manuela Walfenzao| 27 de febrero de 2017

Henry Cowling, experto en VR, será el presidente del jurado de Digital Craft

Last year’s Digital Craft Jury President, Wesley ter Haar -President at MediaMonks- told his 2017 successor, Henry Cowling -Creative Director at Unit 9- that he would love to see more Asian and Latin American work in this category. “Both regions have such an amazing craft-centric approach that I hope we see some big winners this year” he explained in an interview between Cowling and ter Haar in order to share experiences among former and current jury presidents, and posted in the festival’s website. “The big disappointment for me in year one was how light User Experience and Functional Design sections were. Hopefully you’ll see a broader range of companies and creatives submit their work to Cannes and shake up those categories within the Lion” said ter Haar to Cowling. Cowling asked his predecessor what will be the most regrettable digital fad of this year. “2017 will see lots and lots of people talking about ‘the bubble’. I suspect you’ll see a huge wave of ‘bubble-breaking’ campaigns hit the judging tables, and many of these will be useless as they only deal with the smallest of bubbles, our very own ad-land.” For MediaMonks’ President his big disappointment in year one was how light User Experience and Functional Design sections were. “Hopefully you’ll see a broader range of companies and creatives submit their work to Cannes and shake up those categories within the Lion” he added. According to ter Haar, the Digital Craft Lion is different to Cyber, it’s the place where they should be welcoming smaller projects which can win just because of the sheer willpower that has been polished into every pixel. “Craft is such an amazing thing to be able to celebrate, away from big ideas, ROI and insights. Power to the pixel polishers!”

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